DENCITY - The Multispeciality Dental Centre, in G.N.Chetty rd, T.Nagar,Chennai, India is established in 2005 by Dr.Hemakumar with the Mission of "Nil Tooth loss and Healthy Smile till lifetime" bcoz Success start with your Smile and DenCity starts your success.... Contact us ph:044 28155255 FOR YOUR SMILE... DENTIST IN T.NAGAR / DENTAL CLINIC IN T.NAGAR,CHENNAI
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Grooming the #groom
The patient visited dencity dental care ,dental clinic in t.nagar on the eve of his marriage anxiously wanted to correct the space between his front teeth.
Dr.Hemakumar,chief dentist in dencity did an immediate smile correction with direct composite veneer and groomed the groom.hope the bride liked him more now
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Thursday, January 31, 2013
immediate dental replacement
This patient had grade3 mobile 11due to traumatic occlusion.Due to bone loss implant is not opted.Extraction of 11 done and immediate maryland fpd placed.After healing abutments prepd minimally in12 and 21and zirconia fpd is happy with the quick,beautiful and cost effective dental treatment .